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VEC In The Community

Our organization manages several hands-on projects throughout Hyde Park every year. Each fall, the Beautification Committee volunteers gather to plant Daffodil bulbs throughout the town in our street corner pocket gardens and under stonewalls. At this time, we also have a final cleaning and mulching of the beds to prepare for winter. Springtime brings beautiful color and renewed energy for clearing out winter's mess. New flowerbeds are designed and planted, while current gardens are maintained and enhanced. Volunteers are vital to the success of these projects.


The pocket garden initiative began in order to beautify the street
corners and corridors of Rt. 9 and 9G. HPVEC is proud of the
that mass plantings of daffodil bulbs have brought to our community.
Perennial pocket gardens can be found at almost every cross street along the village corridor. Thanks to the hard work of members and volunteers, these colorful gardens beautify our town and create community pride.

 “The site of the daffodils on a sunny spring day takes and ordinary experience and transforms it into something delightful. As I travel along the corridors for the last several weeks of April, I am so proud to be a part of the organization that is dedicated to the preserving, enhancing and maintaining the visual experience of Hyde Park for residents and visitors".
Aileen Rohr
HPVEC supporter and former Town of Hyde Park Supervisor

Interested in volunteering? Please check our calendar for Spring and Fall volunteer dates. 

Or contact us at
The VEC is committed to preserve, protect and maintain our towns historic stone walls. This goal has been achieved through countless hours of volunteer work. In addition, VEC has contracted with skilled professional stone masons to rehabilitate the treasured stone walls fronting the Rogers Estate. Protecting these treasures of our past is a continuous and ongoing effort. Past stone wall projects have included the following:
  • The walls North and South of Farm Lane
  • The wall in front of and across from the HP Drive In
  • The walls North and South of the Golden Manor Motel
  • Sections of Rte. 9 Former Rogers Estate Walls
  • The wall at Staatsburg Library
​Due to membership and community support, HPVEC was able to design and fund the beautifully renovated green space fronting the plaza at the corner of Rt. 9 and Pinewoods Rd, a visible and vital section of our corridor, and crucial to the desired walkability of our town. With the addition of 4 brick paved patios, benches and custom planters, this has been one of our biggest projects to date.
It has been and continues to be a long term goal of HPVEC to enhance the beauty of our corridors. We endorse both the aesthetic and environmental benefits that street trees provide. In the fall of 2011, the Street Tree initiative began with the planting of 10 Acer Rubrums (October Glory) Red Maple trees from Market to Harvey Street. VEC is grateful for the support of property owners, community members and anticipates a glorious display for decades to come. In addition, they will act as traffic calming devices, encouraging traffic along Route 9 to slow down. Trees create a valuable aesthetic enhancement to our community, with springtime blooms, dense shade during hot summer months and fabulous foliage throughout the fall.
HPVEC looks forward to working with all interested parties on reclaiming the historic past of Hyde Park by recreating the tree lined corridors. Donations can be made to HPVEC to specifically fund this tree initiative. Memorial or honorary plaques are also available for tree dedications.
Phase I: Fall 2011
10 trees
Market Street to Albertson Street
Acer Rubrums "October Glory" Red Maple Trees
Phase II: Spring 2013
16 trees
Rte. 9- Parker Ave headed North to Albertson St. and along Harvey St.
3 Hawthorne "Snow Bird" Crategus x Moderensis
5 Acer Rubrums "October Glory" Red Maple Trees
4 Eastern Red Buds, Cercis Canadensis
4 Hawthorne "Snow Bird", Crategus x Moderensis
Phase III: Fall 2014
13 trees




In addition to hands on beautification projects, the committee hosts a free public lecture series featuring authorities on various aspects of community improvement. Included among the prominent planners, authors and public officials we have hosted are:
T.A. Barron
Noted author and environmentalist


John Clarke and Kealy Salomon

Dutchess County Planning and Development


Anna DeCordova

Horticultural, NPS Roosevelt~Vanderbuilt Headquaters


Clara Lou Gould

Former Mayor of the city of Beacon and Leader of its revitalization


Allen Hilliker and Susan Allport

Speaking on Stonewalls


Ed McMahon

Nationally recognized authority on sustainable development, land conservation and urban design


In order to raise awareness and support of our mission we conduct an active public information campaign that includes providing displays and information booths at community events and making presentations to civic and service groups. Contact us to host our educational team at your group's event or meeting


The committee also publishes a newsletter two times a year, in which we communicate our upcoming events and beautification activities, inform members about environmental concerns and congratulate, honor and thank our tireless volunteer workers. The newsletter is mailed out to all current members.





Our biennial Beautification Awards Ceremony is part of the tradition and mission of the Committee to recognize those in our community who better their properties and improve the appearance of Hyde Park through their investment.  Awards are given in the following categories:
Going Green
Historic Significance
Refreshments, socializing and networking precede the awards ceremony. Community attendance is open and encouraged.  
Recommendations are sought from all members and should be sent to or please fill out the application below. 

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